List of all 16 Nivo
Slider Data-Transition options

List of 16 Nivo Slider
Data-Transition options

  1. sliceDown
  2. sliceDownLeft
  3. sliceUp
  4. sliceUpLeft
  5. sliceUpDown
  6. sliceUpDownLeft
  7. fold
  8. fade
  9. random
  10. slideInRight
  11. slideInLeft
  12. boxRandom
  13. boxRain
  14. boxRainReverse
  15. boxRainGrow
  16. boxRainGrowReverse
The Equinox Zodiac Wheel
Keywords: image switching, transforming, morphing, fading, sliding, slider, nivo, slide-show of images. I couldn't find a list on their website. So here it is.